Monday, May 20, 2013

Spiritual Messages in Home Improvement Shows

What I learned by watching Love it or List it

Today was not a normal day for me. I did very little today. Not because I felt bad, but because I had a serious case of "Blah". I just didn't feel like doing anything.
I sat and read for the first part of the day but then I started getting a headache and focusing on the page wasn't helping. So I snuggled down with our dog Sugar and turned on the TV. There is nothing on that interests me during the day. I settled for watching stuff on the HGTV channel because it seems to be what many of the women in my life watch (pitiful of me, I know).
So this show Love it or List it comes on and I begin to see a lesson in the episodes. To explain I need to tell you about the show. Within 30 minutes a couple's home is renovated by professionals based on the couple's wish list of changes, and at the same time they are shown by a realtor different homes based on their list of wants. In the end after they have seen the new possible homes and are revealed the changes to their existing home they must decide if they love their old house with the new changes. Or if they still want to list the house and buy one of the new ones they were shown.
I apologize if you know where I am going with this, but for those of you who don't, please stick with me. In a way, this is what happens when Christ is introduced to us. We can accept the help of experts (pastors, teachers, other believers in Christ) and go through the hard work of gutting ourselves and making hard choices and changes to become a Christian and learn to live for HIM. OR, we can keep searching for something that we think will make us happy and feel better about our lives.
Of the many shows I watched (maybe six, again, I know, pathetic), only one couple decided to list their house after the renovations and buy one that had been shown to them by a realtor. In truth, I think they only reason they made that choice is because the husband insisted on keeping something that was unrealistic about their existing home and totally ruined their budget for any other changes. So what choice did they really have after that?
But I digress. My point is that we all start with an existing foundation. For most of us this is provided by our family who raises us and guides us in our morals and forming opinions. We have free will to follow this moral foundation, or to step out onto a different foundation of our choosing as we grow in age and maturity.
So for those of us raised to know who Jesus Christ is, you would think the choice to Love and accept him or walk away from him would be obvious. But it isn't.
Not all people who are brought up going to some form of "church" stick with that choice. Many choose to change their religion or their basis for choices while separating themselves from their families and gaining their independence. The work required to be a Christian, despite the advantages, is too much and they prefer the change to what the world says is easier, better, nicer, prettier.
From my previous post I mentioned that I am uncomfortable with the book of revelations. But God, He is leading me to study it. So I started at the beginning, to hopefully grasp some understanding of the foundation of where John was coming from when he started writing. The first three verses is as far as I have gotten in comprehension and comfort in discussing. So here is what I feel God has shown me: 1)The message of Revelation is from God, passed on to Jesus, and then shared with His "bondservants".  Now the bondservants that John is referring to are the believers of Christ, not just the disciples, but anyone who is willing to give up their own will and follow Jesus. SO yeah, ANY CHRISTIAN. Which means that this Revelation was passed from God the Father to Jesus His son, and communicated by his (Jesus) angels, to the bondservant John. Which means it is for us fellow bondservants as well.
That is just verse 1 folks, but already it leaves a lasting impact on my brain and heart. I am a bondservant. I am a willing follower of Jesus and want to align my will, with his will, i.e. God's will.
2) John confirms who he is as the writer of this message by describing himself as the testifier of the word of God, and Jesus, to all he met. Now why would he do that, why would he describe himself as someone who testified God and Jesus' word. I personally think it is to remind us of how he, John, go to this point of writing down these words for God. Think about it, would you want just anyone to write down what you say? Or would you want someone who has a reputation of sharing your words accurately? Enough said.
3)Here is the swift kick in the gut for me. By this verse God convicted me of how much I have been denying myself from Him by not reading this. "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near." The first thing that grabbed me about this verse is that I have been denying myself blessings by not studying Revelations before now. Because I was uncomfortable and focused on me, I was missing out on Blessings that God has in store for me by reading His word where He wanted me to read. The next thing that jumped at me is that I have not been hearing these words either. So, why is that? Are preachers and Christian speakers or authors intimidated by Revelations as well? Or have I been purposely been turning a deaf ear to anything regarding this section of the word? I am now praying God keeps my eyes and ears to this subject. The last part of this verse is two fold. I am to heed the things I read in Revelations and recognize that the time is near. Now, I am not saying the end of the world is near as so many people believe Revelations is talking about. Instead I believe, that right now, for me personally, God is saying that the time is near that I am going to need to know and understand this book of the Bible.
Heavy stuff, and all because I watched mindless home improvement television today. I love how God does that. I cannot say thank you to Him enough for how he draws me to Him in what other people might see as bizarre or strange ways. I'll take it Lord, and say thank you for your Awesome and Inspiring ways and pray you continue to bless me in any way you see fit.
I pray that these words may in some way speak to you, as God has spoken to me. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. God speaks to us continually, if we learn to "be still and listen." He speaks to us on our level of understanding whether we realize it or not. Sometimes we hear His voice but do not recognize it. Sometimes when He speaks we hear but it takes His message a while to sink in before we understand. Or sometimes He whispers in our ear and plants a seed so that at a future time we will understand. The most difficult thing for me has been to learn to Be Still and know that I am God. Love you MFDIL#1. :)
