Sunday, March 31, 2013
Blessings in One Four Hour Visit
Me, Grandmommy, Melody, and Megan. Three generations all together for a few hours of laughter and fun! Watching my Grandmother (who turns 89 this year) laugh at my daughters was a real treat. A memory I will treasure for the rest of my life.
The trip to Texas was a Blessing from beginning to end. yes there were a few hiccups. Nothing like your six year old daughter getting car sick, or getting a speeding ticket for trying to pass a big truck going up hill! But God carried me through each and every day and each visit with my family was wonderful from beginning to end.
We played cards, we played games, we watched a little TV, we shopped, and boy oh boy did we eat! All and all it was the fellowship together that I will remember most. Watching my brothers five boys eat and talk and play. Listening to my daughters give my father a hard time and him loving every second of it. Seeing my step-mothers eyes light up while shopping with Megan. Watching my mom watch both my girls as they solved puzzles, played games, ate, and talked. Listening to my nephews sound just like the guys on Duck Dynasty with their "Nah"'s and their "Ain't nobody got time for that" comments. It truly was a fun and blessed trip. My little brother and his girlfriend got down and colored with sidewalk chalk in my fathers driveway. My stepmother mad Smores with my daughters for the first time in her life. And Megan got to meet her fairy Godmother and us girls got to watch Duck Dynasty with our favorite Aunt Paula. So many highlights. So much good food and good conversation and learning each others lives all over again.
I really do miss my family. But I really am very grateful to be right where God wants me. He has blessed us with neighbors and friends who have adopted us and become our family here. What more can a person ask for than the family God blesses them with?
Throughout the trip I struggled with health issues. There were times I did not want to take another step, get out of bed, or climb back into the car. But God, He reminded me of his sons suffering on the cross. If Jesus could go through all of that, could be beat, spit on, pushed down, whipped, bloody, starved, dehydrated, exhausted, and treated like less than a human; Who am I to complain about my physical ailments. I will move on and live the life God has blessed me with not in spite of the pain, but because of the pain. Because My Father, Who is in Heaven, knows me and every hair on my head and he loves me RIGHT WHERE I AM! He loves me in spite of MY failings. HE LOVES ME enough to DIE for me.
So, I put the next foot forward and praise HIS HOLY NAME!
As my daughter and her fellow might mite choir singers will sing in the next few weeks " Ho-Ho-Ho- Hosanna Ha-Ha-Hallelujah. He-He-He-He saved me and I've got the JOY of the LORD!"
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Softball = Memories of my Dad
Answering My Mother's Question
My mother left me a voicemail today regarding my comment about watching softball in one of my previous posts. I enjoy watching softball because it will forever reminds me of being 6, 7, and 8 years old and watching my Daddy play softball. My Daddy was the pitcher. He played on all male teams that travelled to different areas for all day tournaments and I was THE cheerleader in the stands. It was usually cold because it was spring or fall in Texas. And since I was the baby, the little girl, and more to the point "Daddy's Girl" I sat in the stands and cheered. Every now and then I would get down from the stands and play with all the other little kids (usually boys) and my big brother. But mostly I just watched my dad.
He's tall, over 6 feet, and has always been pretty fit between playing softball, and golf, and having an active job. I won't say the cliched "My dad was my hero" because that is not true. However, my Daddy has always been a pretty special guy to me, as he should be. I won't pretend he and I didn't have our battles and differences, but he's my dad and I love him.
The timing of my mom's question is definitely a God thing. You see, Melody had to write a poem in her Reading class yesterday about a memory of her dad. Which got me to thinking about the poem I wrote to my dad when he was going through some hard times. So when I heard my mother's question in her voicemail today, I wasn't surprised.
Don't get me wrong, I still have my dad. He is alive and well in Texas living with his wife and a pack of weenie dogs. He is retired after working for the VA Hospital for 32 years and is an active member of a golf country club. I haven't seen him for over a year now, but in a few weeks I get to see him and the rest of my family when the girls and I go out to Texas for spring break. I am truly feeling blessed at even the prospect of seeing them all again.
I hear from people all the time, in our small rural county, how they cannot imagine living this far away from all of their family and not seeing them for all of the everyday life things that people do. We (my husband and I) do not have any family close by. My husband's half brother lives much further south in Florida, but he is the only one in the state. All of his family is out of state, PA, SC, OH. All of my family is in Texas with the exception of my son in GA.
Yes, family is important to us, but so is being faithful. See, God tells us to cleave to our spouse once we get married, and moving off and away from family can certainly help to ensure that you cleave. Boy Howdy! You either cleave or want to leave and leaving was not and is not an option for us.
Thankfully, God has blessed my husband with a good job, and he is able to provide for our family. In this case, he is able to provide me and the girls the opportunity to drive out to Texas and see my family. So, very soon, I get to add to my memories of nephews, siblings, and parents. More Daddy memories, Yeah!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Stepping Out in Faith
Ready to Try Something New
All kinds of interesting things are happening in my little area of the world right now. My daughter has a boyfriend so she is trying to spend time with him wherever and whenever possible. This is a hard thing to do when your 14 and 15 and can't drive on your own yet.
Then there is the youngest who keeps fighting allergies and random fevers and just generally feeling yucky. She seems to fall back and forth between being and angel and being some mischievous bratty child who I don't recognize. I find myself praying each morning she is waking up on the "Good" side of the bed for the day.
And now, I get to go and pick up one of those breathing masks to sleep in for people with sleep apnea. I slept one night with it during the study and had FANTASTIC sleep. I am hoping by having it at home that great sleep will continue. So, new sleep is on the way.
And then today I registered for a Bible study that I believe God has been encouraging me to participate in. <div style="height: 125px; width: 125px;"><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></div>
This is the link for the (in)RL event. If that one doesn't work try this one:
Either way please take a moment and check out this opportunity to grow in your walk with the Lord. I am looking forward to the blessings that will come from being obedient, His knowledge and wisdom.
So think about it. Maybe god is calling you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new as well.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
My Cup Runeth Over
Sunday Blessings run into Monday
I am fortunate to be allowed to co-teach a Sunday School class at my church. The youth who come to class range in age of 6th grade to 12th grade. Right now we are in a rebuilding stage, so we don't have alot of kids show up each Sunday, but the ones we do have give me a hard time at keeping ahead of their thinking, and they ask Great questions.
Since I get to co-teach, I try to read the lesson each day to make sure it stays fresh in my mind and to make sure I hear what God wants me to share with the kids. So Saturday morning after dropping off Melody at the school for her to ride a bus to State FCCLA competion in Orlando, I was caught off gaurd by my 6 year old, Megan, talking about being a Christian and how Christians should behave. She was volunteering to help me and while sweeping she and I discussed what it means to be a Christian. She specifically told me she wasn't ready yet, but that when she was she would tell me.
So imagine my surprise when after Sunday School she looks at me and says "Ok momma, I'm ready to be a Christian". She was ready, but I wasn't! So I took her to our pastors wife and asked her to lead her in prayer and ask her a few questions. I wanted to make sure this is what Megan and God wanted, and not what Megan wanted to do for her Mommy. Right after the prayer Melody called and Megan got to tell her big sister she was a Christian. Melody was so excited for her, but dissapointed to have missed it.
Sunday night we called Mercer, my 17 year old who lives with his dad in GA, and he was just as thrilled for his little sister. We had a nice long talk on the phone, he and I, and it was the best conversation we have had on the phone in a while.
Then Monday morning I am sitting in a classroom substituting for a middle school Science teacher when my phone rings. Normally I silence it, but this morning I had forgotten. Imagine my surprise when it is my Melody calling to say they took 1st place in their event at State and now we are going to the National FCCLA convention this summer in July. WOW! Three GREAT BIG BLESSINGS in under 24 hours! My heart was so full at that exact moment I felt like I was floating.
I am truly a favored woman in the eyes of the Lord to have three healthy, intelligent, thriving children who all love the Lord and are chosing to live their lives for Him. What more could any mom truly want?
My little concerns and worries amount to less than a grain of sand when held up to the light that is His Love in them! Thank you Lord, Thank you!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Saturday Surprises
From Beginning to End
I had to have Melody at the school by 6:45 am to board the bus to leave for Orlando. She is 14, a freshman in High School, and this is not the first, or even the tenth time that she has had to leave me for more than a few days. But for some reason I cried when she got on the bus and I sat in my car, watching them prepare to leave. For some reason my momma's heart was distressed over the idea of her being gone for the next four days. Surprise!
So what did I do, I prayed. Wiped the tears away and lifted up my daughter and all those going on this trip to the Lord who blessed me with her and them in this life we live together. He quickly flooded me with His affirmation and His love and grace by reminding me that of teachers/staff going ALL of them are Christian mommas I have talked with, prayed with, and know my daughter can receive strong God filled advice from. And of the other chaperone's I know at least two of them are also strong God loving Spirit filled women who love the Lord and are raising their children to love the Lord as well. So, really, why be upset when He has her surrounded with at least 6 women she can turn to for prayer? He has this covered. Surprise!
On the way home I prayed about the day. That God would lead me to take care of the things He wanted done for the day and that I would be able to check my human nature at the door and instead show His spirit filled nature to my husband and baby girl. I found my self cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing light switches and door knobs, taking care of laundry, and then my six year old decided she wanted to come and help me in what I can only assume looked like me moving from one random task to another.
"Momma, I want to help. What I can I do?" Me thinking quickly, not much your only six, what can I give you to do? Hmmm.... "I need to sweep this floor, can you hold the dust pan while I sweep?" With the excitement that only a young child who is still new to household chores can show, she grabbed the broom and dustpan and started helping me. I tell her thank you for offering to help and she tells me she wants to be good for us today. She says she wants to act like a Christian is supposed to act. I asked her what it meant to be a Christian and she gave me this answer "You love God, believe in His son Jesus, and you do the right thing. Oh, and you never die." I said "You mean, you live eternally?" To see if this is what she meant. She quickly jumps on the word and then starts asking me questions and our discussion goes round and round about what being a Christian really means, how one becomes a Christian, and if she is one. She understands she has to ask for Christ/the Holy Spirit, to come into her heart. She understands that becoming a Christian means living your life for GOD, and not yourself. She says she understands, and I believe her. She also said that she isn't ready to pray that prayer yet. I asked her to please let me know when she is, and she assures me she will. Surprise!
I grew up knowing that my Great Grandfather had prayed for me because my mom made sure to tell my brother and I that he would walk around the table and pray for the generations to come in our family. My mother prayed, still prays, for her Grandchildren on a daily basis. For their salvation, their future spouses salvation, and for the salvation of her great grandchildren. Is that what is wrong with our world today? God's people quit praying and thinking about the future generations of believers?
In this tradition of prayer for the future, I will stand. I will prayerfully, faithfully, and gracefully washed by His blood-stand in that gap for the family that is to come. Not just my sons and daughters, my nephews sons and daughters, but for each person God calls to mind and tells me to pray for. What surprises does The Lord Our God have in store for us if we would just pray for our future generations?
Friday, March 1, 2013
A night at the ball field
Ahh, Young Love!
Whoever first thought a silly groundhog could predict the weather must have been smoking peyote with their friendly local native Americans. It was pretty last night, but it was COLD!
I enjoy watching middle school and high school baseball. The boys give it their all and learn about life while playing. Not that I don't enjoy watching the girls play softball too, but I watch softball for a different reason. And that is a story for another day.
Back to baseball. Last night, sitting in the bleachers all bundled up, listening to kids run and play and watching teenagers talk to their friends and flirt I was reminded of how we learn about love. Now stay with me on this one, I promise it will make sense in a minute.
Our first concept of love comes from our parents. If we are fortunate we have have parents who love us unconditionally and show us their love when we are both good and bad. For those who are unfortunate, we learn how much we want/need love and we decide how/what we will do to pursue it and recieve it.
Nothing about the way we view love really changes until we hit puberty and all of the sudden we decide that becuase we think about this certain guy (or girl) all the time we must be "in love" with them. And in some very real ways that is true.
Doesn't the Bible say that what we set our focus on is what we desire with our heart? So if we are thinking about that certain someone all through out the day, we must feel something for them, right?
Then the expression of love comes into play. Looks, smiles, kind words, simple touches.....all of these things bring us closer to that other person.
Watching teenagers paw at each other at the ball field last night I flipped it right back to falling in love with Christ. Just think about it. When we are introduced to him our initial understanding is denial. No way could he really have exhisted. No way did he really die for me. I've done some really bad things, said some really bad things, hurt some people who didn't deserve get what I'm saying? That denial then starts to lessen as we learn more about who Jesus hung out with. Murderers, harlots, thieves, politicians, not what we would classify as "good people". But he loved them, and he died for them too. So if he could love them and die for them, why can't I believe he died for me too?
That is when the young love we feel for Jesus turns into the teenage love that we see displayed at ball parks across the US. We paw at God's word hoping for kind words and love and affection back. We study with friends and worship with friends because of how HE makes us feel while we are doing it. (Sound familiar?) Then all of the sudden something goes wrong and we get angry with God that this happend. Our first fight. We either forgive and accept that our ways and our concepts of what God should and should not do are not His ways, or we break up with Him and turn away from His love.
Any of this ringing a bell yet? I looked at those young people in love and I remembered the excitement of the first time a guy held my hand, or my first kiss, my first slow dance. It was like recognizing the electricity in my body. And that same AWE inspiring feeling is how we feel when we are saved and On Fire for God. So what happens to that feeling? Why do we lose it?
I think it is just like with any long term relationship, friendship, boyfirend/girlfirend, marriage. We get comfortable. We grow complacent. We let the fire die down to embers and keep it safe and warm.
I don't know about you all, but I miss the on fire part. I miss the electricity of that look across the room, or the caress of hand against hand. I want that back in my walk with Christ. I want to be On Fire for Him. Not becuase of how it makes me feel, but becuase of WHO it makes me for HIM. The look from Him is recognizaeble in other people's faces when they see grace or kindness they feel they do not deserve. The caress of love comes from someone who gives to me, when I feel undesrving or weak. All of these things are there, right there with us everyday. We just have to open ourselves up and see them, hear them, touch them, smell them, taste them. Jesus, my savior, my redeemer, my best friend, the lover of my soul, is with me right now in each stroke of these keys loving me and carrying me and holding me like the precious and wonderful thing He sees me for. How can I NOT be on fire for that?
Ahh, young love.... His love is timeless and Never Fails.
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