Where Have I Been???
First, an explanation. I started this whole blog thing at the suggestion of a writer. Someone who's blog I follow on an almost daily basis. I don't want to name any names, but she is a published author and she does spearhead a women's ministry and write Bible studies. Oh, I don't know her personally or anything, but I do believe she gives good Godly advice.
She suggested that if you are serious about wanting to write or speak, it might be a good idea to start a blog and see if there is anyone out there interested in what you have to say. So I started, what do I have to lose? Besides, who better to learn from than someone who has been there and done that?
So where have I been since my last post? Well, I've been doing the life thing. I quit blogging because I felt as though I had nothing to contribute. And truthfully, who wants to read about my boring life anyway? And then there were health issues, new job positions, more health issues, family issues, changing job issues, and more health issues. Yeah, I have alot of issues. Bottom line, blogging got lost in the shuffle and got sifted down like sand in a container of rocks.
But God has been changing my focus recently, and He has been steering me toward more things ( music, reading, people) about Him, and who worship Him, give glory to Him. So as I read a few other Christian blogs today I realized He has been pushing me back to this. To blogging, or more specifically, to writing about His work in the life He has blessed me with.
Today I was supposed to be substituting in a High School Health/PE class. But Megan said she wasn't feeling well and when I first checked her temperature it was high. So I called the school and said they would have to find another substitute. Then as I sat with my little girl I realized this is the third week in a row that she has had at least one day where she was running a low grade fever and felt puny at the start of the day, but then got better as the day went on. So I asked my husband what he thought. And as I am asking him what he thinks I am remembering when she was little and first started teething and did the same thing. He says, it's like when she was teething only now her teeth are moving around and she is probably getting ready to lose her first tooth soon.
Now, let me explain something to you in case you don't already know it. That right there was a gift from God. That was no coincidence. That was no fluke. That was God bringing my husband and I to be LIKE-MINDED. It happens often in Christian marriages because one or the other partner has been praying they be like minded in Christ. And guess what? That is a simple yet miraculous example of it!
So my 6 year old went to school and I ended up with a free day to wash Melody's laundry before her trip to Orlando this weekend for state FCCLA competition and then to run to the Library to pick up some more Christian fiction. I say some more because that is where my subject area of reading so far this year. I used to dislike, STRONGLY, Christian Fiction. But now, God is changing me and my likes.
So, where have I been and why am I writing again. Let's just say I've been out of touch with my farming side for a little while, letting the field grow dormant for a year. But now I'm back and loaded up and ready to plant, and sow, and weed, and hopefully, just maybe, haul in a harvest. God loves me. He is pulling me back to something He wants me to do and has designed me to enjoy. So why not pull my boots on and enjoy it?