I sometimes think what I have to say and what I need to say are two very different things. I need to tell me children how proud I am of them. I need to tell my husband how very much in love I am with him and how grateful I am to bee his wife. I need to, well I need to say a lot of loving and supporting things to the people in my life that I just don't say often enough. But, what I end up saying is less loving, not as kind, not as charitable or positive as it could be. Each time I think I'm almost there with a phase God is bringing me through I get reminded of how much further I truly have to go.
I finished my very last class on May 23rd and am going on June 4th to walk across a stage with a bunch of people I don't know to recieve an empty form that will eventually hold my diploma. I am thrilled, and excited, and pleased, and proud, and am still only "almost there".
I interviewed for a good job, with a good company, twice in as many weeks and they have yet to make a decision. So even with a Bachelors degree, my career path is "almost there".
My quiet time with the Lord becomes all too often just that, my time. Instead of listening to His spirit speak to me I find I am talking and listing and looking, it becomes my time and not His time.
I am reminded today, with it being Memorial Day, just how grateful I should be each time I think almost there, and then realize I am not. Because the truth is each time I think I am almost there, I am free to see how far God has brought me and free to pursue the paths God has provided for me. My almost there thoughts for today are those of a grateful heart for the men and women who serve and protect this Great Nation. May God Bless you all.